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Mastering Anivia in ARAM: Tips and Strategies

Anivia is a powerful mage in League of Legends with a unique set of abilities that can be devastating in the right hands. Her passive ability, Rebirth, allows her to transform into an egg when she dies, giving her a chance to revive if the egg is not destroyed. This can be a game-changer in team fights, as it gives her team a chance to protect her and turn the tide of battle. Anivia’s Q ability, Flash Frost, is a skill shot that can stun and damage enemies in a small area. This ability is crucial for setting up combos and controlling the battlefield. Her W ability, Crystallize, allows her to create a wall of ice that can block off paths and control enemy movement. This ability is great for zoning and creating opportunities for her team. Anivia’s E ability, Frostbite, deals massive damage to enemies that are chilled, making it a key part of her burst combo. Finally, her ultimate ability, Glacial Storm, creates a persistent area of effect that slows and damages enemies over time. This ability is great for controlling space and dealing consistent damage in team fights.

Anivia’s abilities work together to control the battlefield and punish enemies who make mistakes. Understanding how to use each ability effectively and in combination with each other is crucial for mastering Anivia and dominating in ARAM. Her kit allows for a high skill ceiling, as players must be able to land skill shots, position walls effectively, and manage her mana pool to maximize her impact on the game.

Key Takeaways

  • Anivia’s abilities include Flash Frost, Crystallize, Frostbite, and Glacial Storm, which can be used for crowd control, damage, and area control.
  • Building the right items for Anivia in ARAM involves prioritizing mana, ability power, and cooldown reduction, with items like Archangel’s Staff, Liandry’s Torment, and Rabadon’s Deathcap.
  • Positioning and map control with Anivia are crucial for maximizing her abilities, as she excels in controlling choke points and creating zones of control with her abilities.
  • Combos and teamfighting with Anivia involve using Flash Frost to stun enemies, followed by Frostbite for maximum damage, and using Glacial Storm to control the battlefield.
  • Dealing with Anivia’s weaknesses in ARAM requires careful positioning, mana management, and awareness of enemy engage potential, as she is vulnerable to being caught out and burst down.
  • Tips for farming and wave clearing with Anivia include using her abilities to efficiently clear waves, managing mana to sustain wave clear, and using auto attacks to last hit minions.
  • Advanced strategies for Anivia in ARAM involve using Crystallize to block off enemy paths, using Glacial Storm to control objectives, and coordinating with teammates to maximize her crowd control potential.

Building the Right Items for Anivia in ARAM

When playing Anivia in ARAM, it’s important to build items that complement her abilities and playstyle. Anivia benefits greatly from items that provide mana, ability power, and cooldown reduction. Items like Archangel’s Staff and Luden’s Echo are great choices for Anivia, as they provide a large amount of mana and ability power to increase her damage output. Additionally, items like Liandry’s Torment and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter can help Anivia control the battlefield by applying slows and dealing damage over time with her ultimate ability.

Another important aspect of itemization for Anivia is survivability. Since she is a relatively immobile mage, building items that provide health and resistances can help her stay alive in team fights. Items like Zhonya’s Hourglass and Banshee’s Veil can provide Anivia with the defensive tools she needs to survive enemy engages and continue dealing damage.

Overall, building the right items for Anivia in ARAM is crucial for maximizing her impact on the game. By prioritizing mana, ability power, cooldown reduction, and survivability, players can ensure that Anivia is able to control the battlefield and deal massive damage to enemies.

Positioning and Map Control with Anivia

Positioning is crucial for success when playing Anivia in ARAM. Due to her immobility and reliance on skill shots, Anivia players must be mindful of their positioning at all times to avoid being caught out by enemy engages. Anivia should look to position herself behind her frontline and use her abilities from a safe distance to maximize her impact on team fights. Additionally, using Crystallize to create walls that block off enemy paths can help Anivia control the battlefield and create opportunities for her team.

Map control is another important aspect of playing Anivia in ARAM. By using her abilities to control space and create choke points, Anivia can limit the movement of enemy champions and force them into unfavorable positions. This can make it easier for her team to land skill shots and secure kills, giving them a significant advantage in team fights.

Overall, mastering positioning and map control with Anivia is crucial for success in ARAM. By staying mindful of her positioning and using her abilities to control space, Anivia players can maximize their impact on the game and lead their team to victory.

Combos and Teamfighting with Anivia

Metrics Details
Flash Frost (Q) + Frostbite (E) Combo Deals high burst damage and applies a stun when both abilities hit the same target.
Glacial Storm (R) + Flash Frost (Q) Combo Creates a large area of crowd control and damage, allowing for easy setup of Flash Frost.
Wall (W) Placement Using the wall to split the enemy team or block off choke points can greatly impact teamfights.
Teamfight Positioning Anivia excels in teamfights when positioned well, allowing her to deal consistent damage and control the battlefield.

Anivia’s abilities work together to create devastating combos that can turn the tide of team fights in ARAM. One of the most common combos involves using Flash Frost to stun enemies, followed by Frostbite to deal massive damage while they are chilled. This combo can quickly burst down squishy targets and create opportunities for Anivia’s team to secure kills.

In team fights, Anivia should look to use her ultimate ability, Glacial Storm, to control space and deal consistent damage to enemies over time. By positioning herself effectively and using Crystallize to create walls that limit enemy movement, Anivia can force enemies into unfavorable positions and set up opportunities for her team to secure kills.

Overall, mastering combos and team fighting with Anivia is crucial for success in ARAM. By using her abilities effectively and working with her team to create opportunities, Anivia players can dominate team fights and lead their team to victory.

Dealing with Anivia’s Weaknesses in ARAM

While Anivia has many strengths in ARAM, she also has several weaknesses that players must be mindful of. One of her biggest weaknesses is her immobility, which makes her vulnerable to engages from mobile champions like assassins and bruisers. To mitigate this weakness, Anivia players should prioritize building items that provide survivability, such as Zhonya’s Hourglass and Banshee’s Veil, to help them stay alive in team fights.

Another weakness of Anivia is her reliance on skill shots to deal damage. If she misses her abilities, she can struggle to have an impact on team fights. To overcome this weakness, Anivia players should focus on improving their accuracy with skill shots and using Crystallize effectively to control enemy movement and create opportunities for landing abilities.

Overall, understanding and mitigating Anivia’s weaknesses is crucial for success in ARAM. By prioritizing survivability and accuracy with skill shots, Anivia players can overcome her weaknesses and dominate team fights.

Tips for Farming and Wave Clearing with Anivia

Farming and wave clearing are crucial aspects of playing Anivia in ARAM. Since she is a mage with strong area of effect abilities, Anivia excels at clearing waves and farming gold. Players should look to use Flash Frost and Glacial Storm to quickly clear waves and secure last hits on minions. Additionally, using Frostbite on low health minions can help Anivia secure gold and experience while pushing waves.

When farming with Anivia in ARAM, players should also be mindful of their mana pool. Since her abilities have high mana costs, it’s important to manage her resources effectively to avoid running out of mana at crucial moments. Building items that provide mana regeneration can help mitigate this issue and allow Anivia to continue farming and wave clearing without running out of resources.

Overall, mastering farming and wave clearing with Anivia is crucial for success in ARAM. By using her abilities effectively and managing her mana pool, players can ensure that Anivia stays ahead in gold and experience, giving her team a significant advantage in the game.

Advanced Strategies for Anivia in ARAM

In addition to mastering the basics of playing Anivia in ARAM, there are several advanced strategies that players can use to maximize their impact on the game. One advanced strategy involves using Crystallize to create walls that split up enemy teams and isolate priority targets. By creating choke points with Crystallize, Anivia can force enemies into unfavorable positions and set up opportunities for her team to secure kills.

Another advanced strategy involves using Flash Frost to zone enemies away from objectives like health packs or turrets. By threatening enemies with the potential stun from Flash Frost, Anivia can create space for her team to secure objectives without contest.

Overall, mastering advanced strategies with Anivia in ARAM is crucial for dominating games and leading your team to victory. By using Crystallize effectively and zoning enemies with Flash Frost, players can create opportunities for their team to secure objectives and win team fights.

If you’re a fan of playing Anivia in ARAM, you might be interested in learning more about her lore and backstory. Check out this article on for a deep dive into the history of Anivia and her place in the world of League of Legends. Understanding the lore behind your favorite champion can add a whole new layer of enjoyment to playing them in ARAM or any other game mode.


What is Anivia in ARAM?

Anivia is a champion in the popular game League of Legends, and ARAM stands for “All Random All Mid,” which is a game mode where players are randomly assigned a champion and must fight on a single lane.

What role does Anivia play in ARAM?

Anivia is a mage champion who excels at dealing area of effect damage and controlling the battlefield with her crowd control abilities. She is often played as a long-range damage dealer in ARAM.

What are Anivia’s abilities in ARAM?

Anivia’s abilities include Flash Frost, Crystallize, Frostbite, and Glacial Storm. These abilities allow her to stun, slow, and deal significant damage to her enemies.

How should Anivia be played in ARAM?

Anivia should be played as a backline mage, using her long-range abilities to poke and harass the enemy team while also providing crowd control and zoning with her abilities.

What items are recommended for Anivia in ARAM?

Recommended items for Anivia in ARAM include mana and ability power items to increase her damage output and sustain her mana pool. Items like Rod of Ages, Archangel’s Staff, and Rabadon’s Deathcap are commonly built on Anivia in ARAM.

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